Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I am in heaven

Last night I was holding Kate while she slept. It makes me so happy to sit with my arms filled with a tiny bundle of pure love. I have noticed the feelings I have when I hold her. I feel so peaceful, serene, reverent and full of the Spirit when she's pressed against me. Time seems to melt away and I feel especially present. I feel my connection to Kate and to God powerfully. I have pondered how important it feels to hold a baby. Here she is, all 6 and 1/2 pounds, sleeping away. She could just as well be sleeping in her bed but I love these tender, choice feelings and can't get enough of them.

It's been a privilege to spend my days and nights with four people I cherish. I have pondered about the peaks of life. They are the treasures of mortality, the memories to cherish when life is hard. I have had so many joyful vista's lately. I am a blessed woman. I am so honored to share this time of transition and new life with this family. I pray I can have more sacred moments like I've experienced lately.

I have a different viewpoint from this angle and am struck at how blatant the lessons are. I am in awe of how central motherhood is to every human being. I am so aware of a mother's influence for love and goodness in her home. I reverence a mother's co-creator role with God.
I recognize more completely the immeasurable value of life, and how important one individual is. I understand with greater clarity the relationship we have with our Creator.

I am seeing with greater light. I am in heaven.


mr_matalino said...

I have to admit that I'm quite jealous. We have to wait for several more months before we get spend time with her. Make sure to post plenty of pictures in the mean time. Loves!

Gordon & Julie Bird Blog said...

Aren't we blessed to have a second time around with our grand children? There is so much perspective on the other side of the circle.

Mary said...

your words have blown me away. what beautiful thoughts and so true!