Friday, November 14, 2008


I just wrote a letter to my missionary son. As I completed the letter, I wrote:  "I LOVE YOU PAST THE NUMBERS!". In our family this is an expression of the infinite, inexpressible, vast,  love we have for each other.

It all started when our son Jeffrey was just a little boy. We were telling him, and our other children how much we loved them.

I love you "this much" we would say as we opened our arms as wide as possible. This would go on as we tried to describe our love and go beyond the previous statement of love expressed. 

We tried to make the love seem bigger. "I love you as big as this house", "I love you from here to California", "I love you from here to the stars", - anyway, you get the idea.

We  were all doing our best to describe the indescribable. Finally Jeffrey said these simple words that have profound meaning to our family - I LOVE YOU PAST THE NUMBERS!

We were all caught back and recognized the profoundness of his words.  That was the best description of our love we could come up with - and it stuck!


Gordon & Julie Bird Blog said...

I love that expression. You have raised such a wonderful family, Lynda.

Jeff and Jenn said...

Jeffrey told me that story and says it to me all the time! The first time he look at me and said that I just starred at him! He's just a big teddy bear! That is my favorite thing in the WORLD when he says it to me!!! Especially knowing how much it really means in the Davis family :) We love you past the numbers Lynda & William!

musson said...

Well, I love you past the numbers!!!!!!!!
That's funny, I never knew where that came from till now.

mr_matalino said...

I vaguely remember that. It's fun to go back and revisit memories that were forgotten...