Today my blog is about how thankful I am for my parents and for my husband’s parents. They are wonderful people! We feel so blessed that they are in good health and are so active! They set such great examples in so many areas. In their golden years they have faithfully and unselfishly served in many capacities and they are enduring so amazingly well.
Both of our parents served missions in their later years which include Nauvoo, Romania and the Philippines. We are so grateful for their example and for what they have taught us by their sacrifice and dedicated service.
My father has served in the Bishopric in a BYU-Idaho University ward for the last several years. My father was just called in September to be a Bishop of a BYU-Idaho University Ward. Now some of you may not know what that entails but there's a great deal of time, energy, and commitment spent in this endeavor. It involves many meetings, getting to know many new names and faces, callings of service for EVERY college student in his ward, the planning of worship services, activities for college students, etc., My dad is so committed to his new calling and it's been wonderful to watch him be so dedicated! I was so grateful I could be there as he was ordained a Bishop and especially to be able to hear his testimony about Jesus Christ.
This calling would tax any man at any age, but my father is in his 70's and is going strong. It's been a testimony builder for me to watch that whom the Lord calls the Lord qualifies. I know God is his strength.
My mother served in the Relief Society organization (A women's organization in our church that was started in 1842) for the BYU-Idaho college girls as an advisor. I watched her in her role as she taught a lesson one Sunday. It was a lesson that was powerful and spiritual! She is a tremendous support to my Father and is sacrificing right now to be alone more as my Father fulfills his calling.
Before my Father was called to be Bishop, my parents were workers in the Temple. They would get up very early every Tuesday morning (like 4:00 AM sometimes) to fulfill that responsibility.
William's parents were just released (this month) from their church calling with Dad being a member of the Idaho Falls Temple presidency (for three years) and his mother serving as an assistant to the matron. This also involves amazing stamina, sacrifice and energy. I have often thought how demanding that calling would be for William and me at our age, but it is very obvious that the Lord strengthened them in abundance to fulfill their responsibility. They had willing minds and hearts and did all they could do and the Lord made up the rest! They would work three or four times a week in the Temple, sometimes getting up at 3:00 AM and work rotating, changing schedules. They would work about 40 hours a week there, (ten hour days, four times a week). It’s simply amazing and faith building for me!
I would like to emphasize to our children that this is an amazing feat which both your grandparents have done! Your heritage is great and you are expected to carry it on!
Thank you mom and dad for exhibiting your faith and living your testimony!
Your parents look so young. So do William's.
Hopefully the good health runs in the family :-)
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