Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What I'm thankful for

At this season of Thanksgiving, I have overwhelming gratitude in my heart. My blessings overflow, and I feel a reverence within as I contemplate the Lord's goodness to me and my family.

I am grateful that God answers prayers, and loves me beyond comprehension. I am grateful He gives me what I need including the harder trials of life. More than anything else, my trials and challenges have helped me become more compassionate, more charitable, more meek, and more trusting in Him. I am grateful for God's mercy and for the principles of repentance and forgiveness. I am grateful for God's perfect Plan of Salvation and for my knowledge of it. I am grateful that I know that I am God's daughter and that I can return home to Him if I am obedient, faithful and wise.

I am grateful that I have a Savior who was willing to take upon himself my sins and shortcomings and pay the price for them. I am grateful that His sacrifice was infinite, eternal and universal. I am grateful for his magnificent and complete Atonement. I feel so blessed to have His Perfect example in my life. I am grateful that I can read about my Redeemer's goodness, wisdom, and kindness in the scriptures. I am grateful for his role as my advocate. I am grateful that he died for me. I am grateful for the role He so willingly took upon himself to save the world. I am grateful for the gift of immortality and eternal life He made possible for us. I am so grateful for my testimony of Him.

I am so grateful for the gift of the Holy Ghost. I am grateful for The Holy Spirit's influence in my life. I am grateful for His guidance and for His help. I am grateful for this marvelous and wonderful gift of God. It is a tremendous blessing. I am grateful for all The Holy Ghost has taught me. I am grateful for His convincing influence that burns within my heart of what is real and true. I am grateful for the Holy Ghost's companionship and for the comfort He gives me.

I am grateful for my family. They are my joy. They are my love. They are everything to me. My children are incredible human beings. They have blessed my life immeasurably. The older three have married stalwart souls who have enriched my life and opened up my heart to greater love as I include them as my own. They are my children too. I am grateful for my children's choices. I am grateful for their righteous efforts. I am grateful for their goodness to me. I am grateful for my two precious grandchildren. They have brought great happiness to me and helped me further understand Heavenly Father's grand design of eternal families. I am so grateful to be a mother and grandmother. I'm grateful for the capacity to love my family so deeply.

I am grateful for my husband. He has always been a wonderful provider. I am grateful for his unselfish ways and for his love for me. I am grateful that he puts the Lord first. He has sacrificed in ways that most people will never know about. I am grateful for his sense of humor and for his goodness. I am grateful for his talents. I am grateful for the way he encourages and lifts others.

I am grateful for my parents and for William's parents. I am grateful for our siblings, and other extended family. Each person we know and love within our family is an incredible individual. We both have amazing families who surround and support us. I am grateful for their sacrifice and for their examples. I am grateful for the way they help, encourage, and love us. I am grateful for the homes we grew up in. I am grateful for our parents unconditionally love. I am grateful that our parents taught us the ways of the Lord.

I am grateful for my ancestors. I am grateful for their sacrifice. So many of them gave so much for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am grateful for the lessons they've taught me and the truths they abided by. I am grateful for their lives and the heritage they gave me. I am proud of the legacy my ancestors have bestowed upon me and my family. I am grateful I can study their lives in depth. I am grateful for the closeness I feel towards them as I do. I am grateful for the time they took to record their life histories so I can relish in the joy I feel as I come to know them. I'm thankful for the Spirit's help as I research my genealogy.

I am grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ. It helps me understand priorities, goals, and my purpose for being sent to earth. I am grateful for Prophets and apostle upon the earth. I am grateful for inspired leaders who help me understand the true way, and give and serve with all their hearts. I am grateful for those who sacrificed, so I could enjoy the gospel in its fullness today. I am grateful for the scriptures which fill me with light and truth. I am grateful for gospel principles which help me become a better person. I am grateful for the truths I love and understand. I am grateful for the programs for our youth which help them understand how to resist the adversary's temptations and follow the straight and narrow path.

I am grateful for the callings I've had in the church. They have blessed my life in countless ways. I am grateful for gifted teachers who inspire, motivate, and encourage me to become who God wants me to become. I'm grateful for other's examples, who have lived quiet, humble, faithful lives and have taught me much as I've observed them.

I am grateful for missionaries. They have a special spirit about them. I love to have them in our home. They bring light wherever they go, and I love to bask in it. I am grateful thus far three of my sons and one son-in-law have served missions. It's such an honor to be a missionary mom!

I am grateful for friends. I have been blessed with friends who have enriched my life and helped me become a better person. I am grateful for those who truly care about and know me.
I am grateful for their goodness and the pure love we have for one another.

I am grateful for my life and for the opportunity I have to live the way I chose. I am grateful for the freedoms we have in America, and for every individual who has fought to preserve this freedom. I am grateful for the privilege I have to worship freely.

I am grateful for my mind. I feel thankful for the opportunity I have to continue my education. I am grateful for the education I have thus far. I love the world of learning and gaining knowledge. I love to be enlightened, and am grateful for this fascinating world.

I am grateful for my body. She is an amazing gift and responds so well to everything I ask her to do. I am grateful I can exercise and keep her strong. I am grateful that she has the ability to heal. I am grateful for the gift of sight, smell, taste, touch and sound she affords me. I am grateful for how well she functions and how integrated each system is as a whole unit. I am grateful I will be resurrected and have my body forever!

I am grateful for the various seasons. Each is picturesque and lovely. I am grateful for what each season represents and teaches. I am grateful for the earth and her beauty. I am grateful for the colors, patterns, and shapes of the earth. God is the master artist, and his creations are exquisite! I am in awe of this earth God created for me and for his children.

I am grateful for the variety of the earth. From all of the various foods, plants, birds, flowers, trees, landscape, lakes, etc., each is amazing. I love the variety God has blessed me with.

I am grateful for inspiring art (music, dance, artwork, and literature, etc.) These arts edify and lift me. They help me express what my soul feels, or understand another's heart. They elevate my thoughts and fill my life with great gladness.

I am grateful for a beautiful home. It shelters my family and provides warmth in the winter, and cool air in the hot summer. It is a place I love to be. Even though my home is a century old, it's a blessing in our lives. I'm grateful for William's job, and our income. I have never known hunger and I am grateful for that. I am grateful for the simple things in life I often take for granted - a car that gets me anywhere I want to go, running water in my home, bathroom facilities, electricity, a fridge and freezer, ovens, etc.

I am grateful for modern technology. I love the world of computers, i-chats, telephone calls, emails, blogs, facebook, etc. They are a blessing in my life - especially if they help in the research and sharing of family history work! I am also grateful for airplanes, contacts, glasses, TV's, DVD's, ipods, camera's, video recorders, etc. which make life easier and better.

I am grateful for the opportunity I have had to teach dance while living in Ohio. I have worked with wonderful children and parents. I have loved my students! I am grateful for all I have learned and how I have grown. I am grateful for the delight dance brings me and the joy I can bring to others through dance.

I am grateful for all of these things and more.

"Praise God from whom all blessings flow"! These blessings truly all come from HIM!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! You and I are SO BLESSED!



Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Princess and The Pea

Here's Addie and Kate at Halloween time as "The Princess and the Pea". Laura Lee made Addie's costume without a pattern. She just designed and sewed it on her own.

As you can tell, the weather was amazing for trick or treat night.