Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Kate's One Year Old Birthday

William, Tanner and I were able to drive to Cincin "Addie" for Kate's birthday. She was so precious and adorable. She couldn't quite figure out all the attention she was getting from us.

Laura Lee made white cupcakes with white frosting, and a chocolate cake called "Too much chocolate cake" for Kate's birthday. Her parents gave her "a choice" between the two, and Kate went for the white cupcake first, which made Marc happy.

Kate was a grinning girl most of the day.

Highlight of the day included:

#1. Kate especially loved me holding on to her hands while she walked around her home.
#2. I rocked Kate to sleep at church and held her in my arms. That was precious too.
#3. Laura Lee made an awesome chicken stir fry dinner over brown rice which we all devoured.
It was wonderful to sit around the table and have a meal together.
#4. I so enjoyed playing with Addie (with Kate's new toys), reading stories to Addie, and talking to her. She amazes me with her memory.

Harder moments of the day included:

#1. I rammed into the curb, when parking at Laura Lee's home, and busted the wall of a tire. It went totally flat before we left for church. William had to change the tire in his Sunday clothes.
#2. Being quite tired on the drive home.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I'm in LOVE!

Some of the most tender feelings I've ever had are when I've fallen in love with a new baby. Babies are so fresh from heaven, perfect, and pure. In fact, in the close up picture of Jack (below), he reminds me of an angel.

On the night of Jack's birth, my evening prayer consisted of pure gratitude for the birth of this little boy.

I feel overwhelmed with God's love, with His plan, and with His trust. I rejoice at the opportunity to be the grandmother of this little boy, and consider myself blessed beyond anything I deserve.

Congratulations Ryan and Sarah. You will be wonderful parents. As I thumbed through Ryan's baby pictures, and baby things, I found some wonderful things. I found baby photos of him, which look a lot like Jack. I found a hospital bill totaling $366.05 for the birth of Ryan and $14.00 for Ryan's stay in the hospital nursery. (Mind you, I purposefully made it as cheap as I could because we were so poor.) The doctor's whole medical bill for pregnancy check-ups and delivery was $495.00. A lot of things have changed in less than 30 years!

I also found the birth announcement we sent for Ryan. I will enclose it, along with photos of Ryan as a baby, in my next blog.

For now, enjoy the photos of Jack. He is so precious!

Jack William Davis
born: 8/9/10
weight: 8 lbs.
height: 22 inches
born in: Bryan, Texas

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Golf Lessons

I signed up for golf classes in June. I've always wanted to take golf lessons, and this was my opportunity - even though they began right before my dance recital.

They were offered through our local YMCA where I teach classes. The cost was cheap, and the lesson offered were group lessons. I had fun, but didn't know WHAT I WAS DOING! I was the only beginner, and the game is so much more complicated than I had imagined.

I followed up my group lessons with 4 semi-private lessons. They were even BETTER. Our teacher was excellent, and he really helped me improve. The cost was decent, and he was patient and helpful.

Last night I received a private lesson, because my co-partner couldn't make our last class. It helped me improve my game quite a bit.

Here's the problem. I haven't played a game of golf yet. Is all I do is go practice my swing at the driving range, go practice putts, and practice my short game.

Now that I'm more comfortable, I think I'll now go PLAY a game of golf. I have someone who's offered to go with me. I now know why so many people get addicted to it. In order to get really good at golf, you have to practice ALL THE TIME. I've decided I'm not at that stage of life yet...

so for now I'll just putter around.

Arrowhead Golf Course - where I practice, and soon will play a round of golf!

Monday, August 2, 2010

I bought my ticket

Today I bought my ticket to fly to Texas to help Ryan and Sarah with their baby and our future grandson. Sarah's due date is tomorrow. It's HARD to be patient. I'm so anxious and excited!

I'll keep you posted (no pun intended)!