Sunday, December 18, 2011



Go to:

to read our Christmas letter!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Halloween Costumes

It was so fun seeing pictures of our adorable grandchildren in their Halloween costumes! Their parents ROCKED at doing such a good job with costumes.

I would have LOVED these little ones to come to my home for Trick or Treat, but at least I got to enjoy the photos, and ooh and aahh over how cute they are!

These pictures make me so happy!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Chloe's Blessing

On September 4, 2011 our sweet little Chloe was given her baby blessing. It was a highlight of our trip!
Oh, the joy of being a grandparent and seeing your children walk in truth and love!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

My Sister

I was able to spend some time with my sister on our trip out west. Oh, how I love her. She is a beautiful woman. She looks so much younger than she is. She is kind, thoughtful, and giving. She is a wonderful mother. She is patient and waits on the Lord. She is so real and so genuine. She is lovely through and though.

Thank you for treating us so well, my sister, and for sharing yourselves with us. We love the memories we made with you and your family.

I am so proud of you and your family. You all work so hard. I love that Jase is on a mission and is on FIRE! I admire your beautiful girls and loved being with them. I still am laughing from our times together!

I love that you are such a caring daughter to mom and dad. I am so excited that they'll be near you soon. I can't think of anyone more wonderful to watch over them!

I hope we can have many more special times together!

Three Temple Visits on our trip out west

We love visiting Temples! We visited the Las Vegas, Nevada Temple, the St. George, Utah Temple and the Salt Lake Temple.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Our stay in Las Vegas

Michael, William and I stayed two nights in Las Vegas. The first night we stayed at a place called The Palms Casino Resort. The second night we stayed at Paris Las Vegas Hotel. I especially liked the Paris. (see photos below)

This was the first time I've been to Las Vegas (besides being at the airport). My thoughts of the strip were mixed, but mostly negative.

I felt people were wasting their time gambling their money away. I felt sad about the way women were dressed and were portrayed on billboards and cards as sex symbols. I felt irritated that sleaze and filth was being touted as entertainment. I felt annoyed and bewildered that the seven deadly sins were so blatantly flashed around as desirable. There was Lust, Gluttony (we just ate once at a buffet), Greed, Laziness, Envy, and Pride. The only one I didn't see was Wrath - but I'm sure it's there when gamblers lose big. It gives a new meaning for me of "Sin City." It's one thing to hear about it, and it's another thing to see it.

On the other hand, there was good entertainment available (we attended the Phantom of the Opera show), interesting architecture, historic sights (the wedding chapels were pretty fun to drive by), and fun sights (Bellagio fountains, men dressed up like statues, Gold and Silver Pawn store, etc.,)

Michael said one of the first things he saw when he arrived at the Las Vegas airport to begin his mission was a woman dressed with very little on. The next thing he saw was his mission president coming to greet him. The mission president right then and there taught Michael "DILIGENCE OF MIND."

Now missionaries are not allowed on the strip itself, but Michael lived not too far away where prostitutes lived and worked–so I think it's safe to say he saw it all. I have such a greater respect for him and what he dealt with.

It really was quite an experience!

Las Vegas Families We met and Love!

We just got back from a trip out west. We had a ball. Our first stop was Las Vegas. Michael met us there and we were able to tour his mission.

The favorite part of our Las Vegas visit was meeting the people that Michael loves and the people that love MIchael. They complimented him and our family so highly. These people are GOLD and we love them all. I didn't expect to feel such an immediate and strong connection and bond with these saints. It felt like a little bit of heaven being with them.

Monday, August 8, 2011

I am one proud grandmother! These little ones are so beautiful. Chloe is three weeks old, Jack will be one year old tomorrow, Kate will be two years old this month, and Addie is four years old. Happy Birthday Jack and Kate! Oh, how I love them all! Best news–I get to see them all soon!!!

Monday, July 18, 2011


I'm totally and completely IN LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome sweet granddaughter!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

It's been a while

Things never slow down here. I haven't blogged in a while. I'm going to try something new, and just write short blogs. I think I'm in the category of writing too much. We'll see how this goes!

Here's a breakdown for the month of June 2011.

My dance recital was this month. It went well. It's always such a relief to have it over. I was proud of my students! They looked wonderful in their costumes, and danced their hearts out. You can't tell by the photo, but there are about 195 students who barely fit on the stage for the finale.

We've worked hard on our yard and gardens. We're very pleased with them.
I've always wanted a fountain in our yard, and William and I created a fountain garden on Memorial Day. I'm loving the calm influence it creates. I love hearing water trickle and fall. It relaxes me, and makes me feel so peaceful.

Michael came to see us this month, and we loved his visit. He helped us de-junk our basement, and helped Marc and Laura Lee move. He also helped Laura Lee on her drive from Cincinnati to Utah. Unfortunately, they had major problems with Laura Lee's car overheating because of radiator problems.

William and I are missing Marc, Laura Lee and family already. They've only been gone for a few days. They'll be in Utah for three years. How we miss our granddaughters and family.

Ryan and Sarah and Jack are doing well. Jack is as cute as ever, and Sarah is taking lots of pictures, which we LOVE! We miss him so much too!

Jenn and Jeff are only 2 weeks away from their baby's due date. We can hardly wait!! We are so excited for this baby to come. I can't wait to post pictures of their new baby girl!!!

Tanner is doing great on his mission. He's absolutely loving it. We love hearing from him! We're so proud of him. I love being a missionary mom.

That's the short of it all.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Atlantic City/Times Square trip

William and I were able to take a quick vacation to Atlantic City and Times Square. We were invited by Laura Lee and Marc, and we had a ball! I won't go into a lot of detail. It was my first time to New York City, and I loved it. We only stayed half a day in NYC, but it was long enough to get a real feel for it. Here's some photos from our trip:

Atlantic Ocean

On the boardwalk with our daughter and her family. We walked this boardwalk a lot! It's very cool!

On the boardwalk in Atlantic City!

I got a photo in front of Carlos Bakery, but we didn't go in. There actually was a three hour line we would have had to stand in!

Boy, do I look like a tourist in Times Square

Radio City Music Hall/Times Square

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Mexico trip

Aerial photo of Mazatlan

My parents invited my sister, my sister-in-law, and me to their time share in Mazatlan for a week. I was so excited to be with them! Mazatlan is charming, and it's such a treat going somewhere WARM in the winter. The most wonderful thing about the trip is that I could be with those I dearly love.

It took a lot of effort to get ready to go. Finding substitutes for dance, and for my YMCA classes was probably the most challenging thing to do. It also felt strange to pack summer clothes in January- but hey, it's really FUN! Well, the day quickly arrived for my vacation, and I was off.

My parents have a lovely place in Mazatlan. They visit every year, and have for the past 20 years. Some refer to the area by the beach as paradise, and it certainly feels like it. The view is lovely from my parents apartment. Flowers were in bloom, and the palm trees are everywhere. The beach is serene, and the landscape is lovely.

The weather was on the cool side while there. I honestly didn't pack enough warm clothes. My father warned me ahead, but I kept thinking it would warm up. I actually had to go buy long pants, a jacket, and socks! While were there, a record was broken for the coldest temperature for that day (maybe February 3, 2011) in 50 years! Mom especially froze, and thankfully they have a nice little heater at their place which kept her (and us) warm.

Some of the best memories from this trip are: (1) walking and running on the beach with my sister and father; (2) eating Tlalapeno soup (which I now make at home) at Panama restaurant, and making it at our apartment; (3) going to church in Mazatlan and feeling the brotherhood there (truly understanding that we all are God's children); (4) being asked to play the piano for Sacrament meeting at church; (5) getting two massages that were amazing; (6) eating chili relleno's at "I love Lucy's" on my birthday; (6) playing games with my family (Domino's, Five crowns, Scattegories, etc.); (7) laying out in the sun by the pool; (8) taking the water-aerobic class (which wasn't very aerobic) in the outdoor pool; (9) loving everything and anything with lime and avocado on it; (10) bartering with the natives for items; (11) eating fresh shrimp at a local restaurant; (12) drinking hot chocolate when I was cold; (13) dining extremely well and having our parents treat; (14) enjoying free time with my family with no deadlines and no stress; (15) being able to visit my aunt and cousin there too; (16) visiting the downtown plaza where the beautiful Catholic church has been restored; (17) seeing my father being attacked by pigeons while attempting to feed them; (18) shopping with my sister, who is a pro at bartering); (19) watching the colorful and picturesque sun set; (20) choosing several desserts for my birthday, and having a small slice of each; (21) emailing my missionary, and receiving his email while there; and (22) having an ipad techno training seminar with three ipads in the apartment (we tried to teach each other how to use them).

Some of the not-so-best memories are: (1) getting a heat rash on my stomach from laying out in the sun (my first one- however it wasn't terrible– just weird-and it quickly went away); (2) trying to cancel dance classes from Mexico (there were major ice storms at home); (3) finding out my camera's memory card was full, and being fearful to delete the photos on it- so I took no photos of my own (the photos below are ones from my sister - THANKS!); (4) realizing that the nations of the world are becoming more chaotic and agitated as I watched the events of Egypt unfold on CNN (with Egypt's citizens demanding that Hosni Murbarak step down).

I just want to acknowledge my parents goodness. They were so generous and kind to spoil us with this kind of vacation. It is something I shall always remember. THANK YOU SO MUCH! You're the best parents and I LOVE YOU, and am so grateful for your goodness in my life! I also have an amazing sister and sister-in-law, aunt and cousin. I love you too!

The whole gang, minus my mother, with dancers

The five of us

My mom and aunt

Me and my sister

My aunt, cousin, sister-in-law, sister, and me

Mom, my sister, me, and my sister-in-law

Lynda with dancers

Catholic church at Mazatlan

Palm trees and beach

Sunset at Mazatlan