Friday, April 23, 2010

Our amazing trip - Part 3 (last few days)

I wanted to add a few photos for those of you who may not know how massive and incredible the Conference center is. My first blog about our trip mentions that we attended General Conference session on Easter Sunday morning. These pictures will give you an idea of the beauty and grandeur of the building. I would recommend to EVERYONE if there's any way to attend General Conference in person - to do it!

I didn't take these photo, but they're great.

On Friday, April 9th we attended the Idaho Falls Temple to perform sealings for our sister-in-law Sherry who is of Chinese descent. It was so special to be in the Temple we were married in, and have Dad Davis perform the sealings. We had the sealing room reserved just for our family which included Cecil and Sherry, Kreg and Sue, William and me, and Mom and Dad Davis.

For those of you who may not know what "sealings" are and why we attend Temple - it's hard to explain in a few sentences. However let it suffice to say that we believe families can be together forever. The ordinances that bind families (not only our posterity, but also our ancestors) are performed only in God's holy house - his Temples. Visit and type in Temples if you want to know more.

After we had our spiritual experience in the Temple, (I believe they are the most sacred place on earth) Mom and Dad treated us to a lunch in the Temple cafeteria. Lunch was delicious with scones being my favorite part. I haven't had scones in decades.

Afterwards we drove to my parents home and scanned in many, many genealogy documents which my parents have inherited. We ended up having to bring some of them home, because there are hundreds, and we just had scratched the surface, even though we spent about five hours scanning. My father inherited a box of genealogy from his paternal side. They are valuable and so precious to me, and some were certified copies of birth, marriage and death certificates from my ancestors who lived in England. I felt the Spirit of Elijah when I held each document and realized it represented one of my ancestors who wanted to connect with me, and whom I desire to know, identify with, and love.

On Friday night we drove over to Kreg and Sue's where all eight of Mom and Dad Davis' children were present. It's been seven years since we've all been together, so it felt wonderful.
We had chinese food and visited with each other. During that time, Ryan called and emailed us that he and Sarah found a home in Texas to rent. They also visited and sent a photo of our Texas home where we lived for six years. We were very happy for them.

On Saturday the whole family had breakfast at Bart and Marion's. It was fun. I had waffles with strawberries and whipped cream. YUM! Dad Davis had his scouting paraphernalia displayed and proudly explained some of the scouting badges and award's meanings. Dad Davis has great pride in his scouting accomplishments, and recalling his scouting days brought him joy and satisfaction. It was wonderful to see him in this setting. We all joked about there being a "stalking" merit badge he earned. However, it was related to animals, and their footprints.

We had lunch at Ron and Kari's on Saturday afternoon. I wish I would have taken a photo of Kari in her apron, making reuben sandwiches. She was in her glory! The food was great, and again we enjoyed bonding with our family members.

We then drove over to my parents and gathered genealogy documents. My parents took us out to dinner at Sizzler. It felt good to sit and relax with them. They've been under stress with their whole kitchen and family room gutted. The whole time we were there, the painters were working busily. I'm excited for my parents to get a brand new kitchen and family room! I love my parents dearly, and am so grateful for their love and support.

We then drove to Blackfoot, Idaho for Dad Davis' Silver Beaver Award Ceremony. It was enjoyable to see him earn that award. I had tears in my eyes when he received that award. We took photo's afterwards, and I'm grateful we could capture this moment in our lives. I wish all four of our sons could have been there. They all have earned their Eagle award, and it would have been a great picture with them surrounding their grandfather and their father, all in their scouting uniforms. However, Tanner represented Ryan, Jeffrey and Michael well.

Scouting has been a big part of our family's life, and I'm grateful for the principles and values it's taught all of us. Congratulations Dad Davis! You deserve such a prestigious award!

The next morning we left for home. The 28 hour drive was certainly worth it to see family members and gain priceless memories.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Our amazing trip - Part 2 (second three days)

On Tuesday, April 6th, I woke up not feeling well. There's only so much a 50 year old body can take (driving for two straight days in a row, changing two time zones and trying to stay up two hours later than usual, eating more fast food in two days than I do in two months - you get the picture). Thankfully, a few Exedrin did the trick.

I again had the opportunity to visit the BYU library and found more reference materials. I love being there. I didn't want to leave.

In the afternoon, William and I drove to Magna to meet my father's cousin, and scan in her genealogy documents and photo's on my paternal Grandmother's side. I now have some treasures thanks to Janet. It was delightful. We drove home and I felt gratitude within, as my heart connects to my ancestors, whom I am growing to love.

In the evening, we had a filet mignon dinner at my brother Steve's home in the Salt Lake City area. We enjoyed visiting them so much!

On Wednesday we drove to another of my father's cousins, Jess, and scanned in documents and photos on my paternal Grandfather's side. We spent a long time there. His daughter was also there, and it was fun to visit with her. They also had pictures I had never seen! I held letters my great grandparents wrote. I cried as I read one especially tender letter. I feel so grateful for the technology of a scanner, where I can cherish these family documents and photo's. I have a lot of work ahead of me!

We decided to drive back to Jeffrey and Jennifer's home and spend more time with them (our original plan had us driving to Idaho Falls next). We had hardly seen them, since they were working long hours, and Jeffrey was going to school. We bought dinner ingredients, and barbecued T-bone steaks, steamed asparagus, and baked yams. The steak was excellent!

We then played some games which made us smile and laugh, and watched a "Life" documentary. I'm so glad we decided to drive back and be with them. This was our funnest and most relaxed night with Jeffrey and Jenn.

On Thursday we drove to Idaho Falls. We asked my parents to meet us at William's parents. We shared with them some special experiences William and I had. I then went with my parents to their home which is in the process of a kitchen/family room renovation, and William stayed to help his father with computer issues.

We stayed that evening at Ron and Kari's home, which is impressive, delightful, colorful and cheerful. I love it there! Thanks Ron and Kari. Below are photos of Ron and Kari's home:

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Our recent amazing trip EDITED - Part 1 (the first three days)

William, Tanner, and I took a very long road trip (28 hours one way) to Utah. We left on the first of April. We spent the night in Nebraska. We hit a snow storm in Wyoming. Our minds were dull and sluggish by the time we reached our destination.

We arrived at Jeffrey and Jenn's new home. They have a lovely, comfortable home. Even though they had only lived there a week, pictures were on the wall, and it was decorated beautifully. When we arrived many family members greeted us. This brought us pure joy. Dad Davis took us out to dinner and we loved being together.

Jeffrey and Jenn's home

Dinner with family
The next day was General Conference. I was focused on getting my morning exercises - especially since I had been sitting for 14 hours for two consecutive days. I paid $10.00 to exercise at Gold's Gym in the morning. I took a Zumba class. When I had finished, much to my surprise I had unintentionally missed about 1/2 hour of the first session of Conference. In Ohio, the first session starts at noon, and I'm use to more morning free time. I think my children couldn't believe it. I didn't even catch on until I was ready to shower. Talk about a brain freeze! I was blessed that it replayed immediately after it had finished.

During Priesthood session that evening, the girls attended a baby shower for Sarah. We had such a nice time. Sarah looked so cute, and was so excited about receiving all the adorable baby things. Everyone was so kind and generous. It's a great memory for us. Female family members were everywhere and we all felt loved.

The next morning we woke up at 6:00 AM, got ready, and brushed off three inches of snow from our car before we headed to Salt Lake City to attend General Conference. There are no words to describe it. I cried when I entered and heard the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sing. I don't think angels sing much more beautiful than they did that morning. I was touched by the Spirit I felt. Tears flowed during that Easter Sunday session of Conference for both William and Me. It was my first time in attendance at the Conference Center and the session was powerful and ethereal. A prophet of God spoke, as did other prophets, seers and revelators. I don't have the capacity to describe the magnificence of it.

We left feeling spiritually inspired and edified. We enjoyed tuna and crackers on our ride home for our Easter lunch. We then listened to the afternoon session at Jeff and Jenn's. Then Jenn's parents invited us over for an Easter dinner. The food and company were wonderful. It was a treat for us.

Monday morning I again visited Gold's Gym and took a spinning class, and a weight lifting class. I then spent time at the BYU Library. I loved it there, and held my Great grandfather Rossiter's missionary journal in my hands. I felt a great connection as I did. It was a feeling that he felt grateful that someone (his posterity) cared about his life, his mission, and his efforts in recording his experiences. I also found information for my English research paper about missionaries in French Polynesia. What I read was priceless, and the book I found most fascinating was a rare book, located in the special collection section.

We then drove over to my brother's home and visited with him for our family home evening.