Sunday, August 5, 2012

Here's an update on our kitchen project for those who are interested. We are going into week 9 of this project. We now have most of the dry wall up and will mud and tape it this week as well as finish the dry wall in the pantry and back entry area (which has just been insulated). We took down a window, put up a decorative window, built a new floor in the back entry and pantry area, hung a hood, cut out a square opening into the pantry and enlarged the opening into the kitchen.

We tore down two walls since the last post because one wall didn't have insulation in it (it was an outdoor wall) and one had birds nests behind it. Ha, that's what you get with a 100 year old home.

I've painted a radiator and have two more to go. Hopefully this week all the painting will be done in the kitchen. We can start putting down tile - hopefully this Saturday. 

I am so DONE with this. I have tried so hard to be patient. We are very concerned about our kitchen cabinets being out in our barn. We have a dehumidifier in there, but hope they won't get ruined.

It will be so nice to be able to post an "after" picture. I'm hoping it's only about a month longer.