Sunday, February 20, 2011

Tanner leaves on his mission

I'm becoming one who blogs less and less. It was quite embarrassing to remove Christmas music, and the Christmas background from my blog today; and to see November 29, 2010 as my last entry.

I did want to share some photos of Tanner leaving for his mission. He's been gone for about a month now–and we are officially empty nesters. It's a bigger adjustment than I thought it would be.

Tanner is in the mission field, and is doing well. Here's some photos of the day he was set apart, and of the day he left. He wanted our farewell to be quick and short, and it was. It's wonderful to have a missionary son serving again. Oh, the blessings!

On the day Tanner was set apart as a missionary

Mom and Tanner at the airport

Dad, Tanner, and mom

A tender moment

Saying goodbye

Our last missionary son on the day he left