Saturday, January 16, 2010

A new baby!

It is one of my biggest DELIGHTS to announce that Ryan and Sarah are having a baby! It was so fun to post a ticker about how many more days I have until I can meet my newest grandchild. Ryan and Sarah, I am so happy for you! They sent me a recording of their baby's heartbeat, and I cried with joy!

My thoughts on running

I just got back from the YMCA. I'm dripping wet from sweat. For some reason my body does that when I exercise hard. It didn't use to, but I've come to accept it. A shower feels extra good after a work-out.

I only ran two miles this morning. I need to be careful with my knees and ankles. They are fragile at my age, and I don't want to pound them into injury.

This event is worthy of a post because I now have only 1.6 more miles to run until I hit 50 miles of running since August 2009. It's a goal I set, and I'm so so close!
This goal was set in honor of turning 50, and my completion date is my 50th birthday (which is in a few weeks). I saw that someone else did it, admired it, and I decided to "go for it." (I probably started my running in June, but didn't start recording it until August.)
I'm down to one more run - probably this coming Saturday. I exercise other ways, Monday through Friday, so basically running has been an additional exercise for me.

Exercise is a part of me, but I am NOT a runner. Running has always been one of my least favorite ways to exercise. Since young adulthood, running has always felt forced.

Running has been more enjoyable and easier for me lately. It's a childlike activity, and there's a freedom I feel as I pass through the air. It still feels forced, but I lose weight faster, and get in such great physical shape when I run. It also pushes my cardio work-out. That's the biggest plus to it.

Since setting my goal, I've had 2 injuries which were small set backs. The first happened a week before the Triathlon. I iced the ankle injury, stayed off of it, and wrapped it during the run. Thankfully I ran it, and finished with no major problems. The second injury happened during a 5K, and my peroneus brevis muscle (low inner muscle above ankle) which had been injured from ballet dancing, became injured even more. The pain became so great that I couldn't run any further. I turned around, about at the mile marker, and walked back. It felt like such a defeat because I didn't finish the race. Thankfully that muscle healed quickly.

I'm grateful for a body that has been a sport to be put through this experiment. I'm grateful for a body that responds to my requests and does the best she can. I'm grateful for the way running, or any exercise makes me feel so alive!

I'm also grateful for my friend Johna who has run at least 25 of those miles with me (and probably close to 35 total last year). It's special when you accomplish something together, and she was my triathlon partner in August too.

I hope this doesn't come across as boasting. That is not my intent. I only want those closest to me to celebrate this accomplishment with me! I ran an extra victory lap today - because I'm feeling successful. I love that feeling!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

This picture makes me so happy!

Jeffrey is in Mali, Africa documenting the building of a school. He proposed this trip for his Senior project at Utah Valley University. I love this picture because he looks so happy, and the children look so happy. He reports that he loves these children. What an amazing opportunity he's having. Doesn't this picture just make you want to be there too?

Friday, January 8, 2010

To our family and friends- if you haven't seen this elsewhere!

Hello to our friends and family,

This past year we were delayed in sending out our usual family Christmas greeting. We still wanted to send this to you, even though it's quite late.

Have a great year in 2010!

Visit our family 2009 blog at:

Saturday, January 2, 2010

A tribute to William

Today is William and my 30th wedding anniversary. We are enjoying this stage of life very much. The rewards flow and we feel abundantly blessed.

Several days ago William had his 52nd birthday. It's time to pay tribute to him.

William has been a good provider our whole married life. He takes that role seriously and is a hard worker. I feel grateful for the job and talents he has.

William is creative and innovative. He has an artistic mind and I love it. He designs and builds things for our home and yard which include cabinets, tables, lamps, a flower garden, and a vegetable garden.

It is touching to me that William wants to give me gifts he knows would mean the most to me. He has worked hard to design and build (or have built) the flower and vegetable gardens because he knew how much it would please me. He calls them the "Lynda gardens". We recently purchased a dining room set as a 30th wedding anniversary gift to each other, and he is so happy that I have something I've always longed for.

William is playful. He still runs around the house with Tanner or our granddaughter Addie. He enjoys himself and creates fun in our home. He is full of humor and still teases all around him.

William is opinionated. He wouldn't be a Davis if he wasn't. He stays on top of current events, politics, and general news. He passionately discusses various topics with those around him. I'm always learning from him.

William is compassionate. He especially developed this trait as he served for Branch President for 7 years. He wants to help others in their hardships. He truly loves those around him and treats them with acceptance, kindness and goodness.

William is self -sacrificing. I have watched this man fulfill his church calling - no matter what the cost. Sometimes he travels to Perrysburg near Toldeo three times a week for his church calling. Often he is not feeling well, but he is committed and makes that sacrifice. I greatly admire him for this.

William is loyal. He is loyal to our marriage and is devoted to me. I am grateful for this wonderful quality of his.

William is helpful. He often does dishes. He cooks and cleans. He does the laundry. He is a partner in all aspects.

William gives of himself. Almost every day he is patiently helping someone with computer issues, or other concerns. He doesn't mind sharing his time and knowledge with those who need some guidance or help. This is such a wonderful quality he has.

William has a great rapport with the youth. He lets them know how important they are. He is currently serving as Stake Young Men's president and always has the young men of our stake on his mind.

William loves his children and his grandchildren. He interacts with them often. He thinks of them and what they need and strives to achieve it.

William - I love you! Thanks for the journey. I look forward to another 30 to 45 years at your side!