Thursday, April 30, 2009

Fly's drive me batty!

One of my idiosyncrasies is that fly's drive me crazy. I had one today that wanted to mock and annoy me. While I was studying, a certain fly was just out to get me. I become vengeful.
However, I have learned that it takes a lot of time and patience to "take care of a fly" with a fly swatter. However, the more you "shoo" one away, the more he will bother you. I especially get agitated when they fly around my head. I have seen a friend vacume them up. Above is a gadget that is laughable, but this guy must have something against flies too.

I feel very unkind when it comes to flies. They are God's creatures too, but I can't stand them!
I would consider it torture to put me in a room full of flies. It's one of the only negatives about warm weather arriving!

I've tried fly strips, fly swatters, and vacuming them up. Any other ideas?
I need my SANITY!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Our precious granddaughter

These pictures are too cute not to post. If you "caught" the ticker (on the right) you noticed that Laura Lee is expecting another GIRL which we are thrilled about. It's one of the greatest joys in life to be a grandmother! It's also SO much funner to get the grand babies without having to go through the pregnancy - (especially mine with debilitating morning sickness).

Having a wedding soon and a grandchild on the way brings us so much JOY! I LOVE the anticipation!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Happy Bump Day Elder Davis

On April 22nd, Michael will have been serving his mission for six months.
We are so proud of him! He is doing great!

He will be over "the bump"as missionaries call it on April 22nd.

This is also to MOTIVATE you to SEND him birthday greetings for his 20th birthday on May 15th! I know it would mean a lot to him!

I sent Michael "missionary cards" (like missionary business cards) for his hump day and a Mini-preach my gospel book (pocket size) for his birthday.
Right now he serves with two other elders and serves 6 wards (within the Henderson, Anthem area).

He went from the poorest part of the mission (Las Vegas strip) to the richest.

Here is his latest letter!
We miss him!
The weeks are flying by! I am amazed how fast they go when your working extra hard. With six wards we are having a hard time getting to everyone we use to get to on a weekly basis. It's crazy how I have been out for 6 months. I have 18 months left and I feel like I cant stop time. I am enjoying my mission and feel like every month goes by faster and faster. I am doing well. I love how we get home at 9 and we plan. Then I am sleeping by 9:30. I get so tired during the day. I meet so many new people every day.
We went to the Temple today. It was great! Elder Bendar told us to attend as much as we can. We get to go once every six weeks. More then most Missionaries. I really feel the spirit in the House of the Lord.
This week has been so crazy like I said. Elder Young and I have the three wards we use to just cover dinners all set up. We have it for the next week or so. Well Elder Everette has his dinners so the past week I have been getting two dinners a night. People up in Henderson love to feed us. I dont know why? They think we are always hungry. Thats not true. Maybe some Elders are. If anyone remembers how much I can eat I want you to know I can eat more now! I am working out everymorning here and that is helping so much more. Lately we have been working on the less actives in our wards and been helping those less actives with service. Mom and Dad I love doing service! I know I am crazy but I like it. I also miss doing yard work on things that are actually growing and are not dead. I think it is so funny seeing people doing yard work on dead plants. So weird! We are working with Adrieanne still. She is doing great. She knew this Church was true before she even came to Church. Vance is the 10 year old that was baptized. He is doing great. His life is complicated. He lives with his grandma and Grandpa. They just moved down the street. We helped them move in. They had the worst move I have ever seen in my life. I was amazed how big of a mess this move was. We helped them for 3 days. You know how after a Dance Recital we are all dead? Well that family was like that by the end of day one. It was awsome how the members took over and we got it done. The members are are so faithful to the Church. It was weird going from a Branch to a Ward the Size of New Bremen. I have to get going. I love you all very much. I am excited to hear about Laura Lee and Marc! Another GIRL!!! So Awesome. I hope you all have a great week! My mission is going faster and Faster. I know the church is true and I hope you know I am doing just Fine! BEST EXPERIENCE OF MY LIFE!!!
Love Elder Davis

Friday, April 17, 2009

Wedding Invitation Giveaway

The following link is for $100.00 off of wedding invitations. Our son is getting married in less than 2 months and it's worth a try!

My favorite invitations are the Black self mailer with the silver shimmer card.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Please watch - You'll be glad you did!

These two videos are amazing and I know you will feel the Spirit when you watch them! They are especially meaningful at this Easter season.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Have a joyful and blessed Easter!

Last Sunday, on Palm Sunday, I performed with the Gateway Choral Society. We sang "The Seven Last words of Christ" by Theodore Dubois. It is a cantata written in 1867 in Paris. We sang with an orchestra and it was powerful!

This piece of work is based on the seven last statements Jesus spoke while on the cross. It is scripturally based. The words of Christ are sung, as well as the "crowds" sentiments. There is often the peace and forgiveness of Jesus against the anger and hostility of the Jews.

I was extremely touched while singing this, and was often in tears during the performance. I am especially mindful of our Savior the last few days (today is Good Friday). His last words have gone over and over in my mind.

I am so looking forward to Easter and want to wish everyone a joyous day!
Jesus' Atonement and Resurrection truly is THE GOOD NEWS (the Gospel).

For those of you who are curious, here are the Seven last words of Christ:

#1. "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."
#2. "Verily, thou shalt be in Paradise today with me. Amen, so I tell thee."
#3. " See, O woman? Here behold thy Son beloved."
#4. "God, my Father, why hast Thou forsaken me?
#5. "I am athirst".
#6. "Father, into Thy hands I commend my soul".
#7. "It is finished".

The final choral starts like this:

"Christ, we do all adore Thee, and we do praise Thee for ever."

I know that my Redeemer lives, What joy that this sweet sentence gives!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Deleted post

I just deleted my first post. I have had many "hits" on an interview question I was asked about
concerning l-*e-*i-*s-*u*-r-*e-* activities. Most hits were from outside the United States in countries I've never heard of. It has been strange indeed. I think I know why they are searching that topic, but can anyone enlighten me?

I hope the above is in code enough that I don't get any more "hits"!