Saturday, January 2, 2010

A tribute to William

Today is William and my 30th wedding anniversary. We are enjoying this stage of life very much. The rewards flow and we feel abundantly blessed.

Several days ago William had his 52nd birthday. It's time to pay tribute to him.

William has been a good provider our whole married life. He takes that role seriously and is a hard worker. I feel grateful for the job and talents he has.

William is creative and innovative. He has an artistic mind and I love it. He designs and builds things for our home and yard which include cabinets, tables, lamps, a flower garden, and a vegetable garden.

It is touching to me that William wants to give me gifts he knows would mean the most to me. He has worked hard to design and build (or have built) the flower and vegetable gardens because he knew how much it would please me. He calls them the "Lynda gardens". We recently purchased a dining room set as a 30th wedding anniversary gift to each other, and he is so happy that I have something I've always longed for.

William is playful. He still runs around the house with Tanner or our granddaughter Addie. He enjoys himself and creates fun in our home. He is full of humor and still teases all around him.

William is opinionated. He wouldn't be a Davis if he wasn't. He stays on top of current events, politics, and general news. He passionately discusses various topics with those around him. I'm always learning from him.

William is compassionate. He especially developed this trait as he served for Branch President for 7 years. He wants to help others in their hardships. He truly loves those around him and treats them with acceptance, kindness and goodness.

William is self -sacrificing. I have watched this man fulfill his church calling - no matter what the cost. Sometimes he travels to Perrysburg near Toldeo three times a week for his church calling. Often he is not feeling well, but he is committed and makes that sacrifice. I greatly admire him for this.

William is loyal. He is loyal to our marriage and is devoted to me. I am grateful for this wonderful quality of his.

William is helpful. He often does dishes. He cooks and cleans. He does the laundry. He is a partner in all aspects.

William gives of himself. Almost every day he is patiently helping someone with computer issues, or other concerns. He doesn't mind sharing his time and knowledge with those who need some guidance or help. This is such a wonderful quality he has.

William has a great rapport with the youth. He lets them know how important they are. He is currently serving as Stake Young Men's president and always has the young men of our stake on his mind.

William loves his children and his grandchildren. He interacts with them often. He thinks of them and what they need and strives to achieve it.

William - I love you! Thanks for the journey. I look forward to another 30 to 45 years at your side!


Unknown said...

What a sweet tribute to your husband of 30 years! You both are very special people and are good examples to the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

Happy 30th! It's hard to believe it's been that long, isn't it? I remember it like yesterday.

How was talking to your missionary?
If you're like me, that's all you need for Christmas.

A great post about William, by the way.

Anonymous said...

Anonymouse is Julie Bird; I can't seem to sign in.

Katie said...

Me too, me too-I love President Davis! I totally agree on all counts!