Sunday, February 28, 2010

My 50th Birthday

We drove to Columbus on my 50th birthday. A bad winter storm caused hazardous road conditions that night, but thankfully we made it there safely. William, Tanner and I ate dinner at a nice restaurant on the way there.
Laura Lee made a delicious homemade German chocolate cake for my birthday. Addie helped make the necklace I am wearing in the photos.
We enjoyed our time together with Marc, Laura Lee, Addie and Kate.

I received so many cards, well wishes, calls and gifts for this milestone birthday. It was so fun to receive them all.

Turning 50 has changed my perspective on life. It's hard to explain. I feel it's more fully time to become the person God wants me to be. I feel I'm not limited, but my time is limited. I feel there's so much more to do in life, and I'm just beginning.

I'm indebted to God for this opportunity to come to earth and experience and learn what I have. I am so blessed!


Gordon & Julie Bird Blog said...

You put a finger on exactly how turning 50 made me feel.
If I know you, you're just getting started!

Glad you were able to spend the day with family.

Ben and Amy said...

Happy Birthday Lynda!!! If I look as young and beautiful as you when I turn 50 I will be a very happy woman.. You are so beautiful inside and out.. I love you and your family and you guys will always have a very special place in my heart..I love your attitude on life, I think that's how you stay so young..BTW please tell William I said Hi...:)

mr_matalino said...

I'm glad you enjoyed your birthday. Sorry we couldn't be there for it! Love you!

Katie said...

Oh my goodness--I can't believe you're 50! I loved your post. Hope it's a glorious year. May we all wear 50 as well as you do!!!