Thursday, May 24, 2012

We traveled to Utah at the end of April to see our precious new granddaughter, Reese Emma. She is beautiful and we are in love. She was such a good baby while we were there. We were frustrated that many of our family became ill during our stay, including Reese's sisters. We prayed hard that the baby wouldn't get sick. Reese's father blessed her during her baby blessing with a healthy immune system and our prayers and Reese's blessing were honored by Heavenly Father. We are so grateful for this new spirit in our family. We were able have fun together as a family and go bowling, to the zoo, to the petting zoo, to the dinosaur museum, to the temple, to our children's homes, etc., and we have such special memories of being together. We have never loved our children more and we are so blessed to be their parents. We were so grateful to be with my parents and William's parents too. How we love them! Last week I finished my "Composing your Personal History class" and am so glad it's done. It ended up being 409 pages, which includes many photos. It is a major accomplishment in my life! I am busy right now making preparations for my dance recital coming up this week. I will be able to relax once the recital is over. It is such a major feat! I just wanted to get a few photos posted of our trip and especially of Reese. She is just precious. And we are so excited that our 6th grand baby is on the way!!!

1 comment:

Gordon & Julie Bird Blog said...

There's no mistaking that Grandmother Joy that is on your face. William looks that way too. What a precious family you have. I'm glad you were able to have such a great time with them.