Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I now have .............................................................................................b-r-a-c-e-s!

My teeth began to go crooked in my 40's. (I use to have a very nice smile.) My mother's teeth did the same thing and she got lumineers in her 40's.

I debated about getting braces (especially considering the P-A-I-N and the C-O-S-T!) I was told to truly FIX the problem I needed to get braces. So last Friday they were put on. I debated about the ceramic ones. I was told the silver ones move teeth better - so I have the silver braces in all their glory. I feel kindof like a teenager who looks OLD!  I have had some kind remarks (that they make me look younger and that I look good in braces) but they are just Silver squares all over my teeth with wire going through each bracket.

It's been a hard week. I have taken for granted eating anything I want with such strong, sturdy teeth. It's humbling. I can't talk as well, I have been on a soft foods diet, and I can't imagine that these will be on for 2 years. I have spent countless hours cleaning my teeth properly. 

But it's the sacrificing for what you want principle. I truly value a beautiful smile. I value straight teeth, and I went in this knowing I would have to go through a lot (especially at my age) to get it. 

Wish me the best and if you've had braces ---thanks for your EMPATHY!

Pictures hopefully will follow soon!


Gordon & Julie Bird Blog said...

I couldn't believe it when you said you were getting braces! I remember your teeth being perfectly straight and totally white; a gorgeous smile. Wierd how things change as we grow older, isn't it? I can't wait for the pictures - I bet you look great.

Jeff and Jenn said...

Even though the doctor says two years, they usually come off sooner! I had mine for a year and a half and they said I would need two years.
You look great! And in the video chat I never even noticed them until you said something!
My advice is this.... DO NOT CHEW ICE. I love to chew ice, but when I did it with braces on, one of them popped off and it really hurt!
We love you Lynda!

mr_matalino said...

You do look younger mom. You and I know that they will pay off in the long run. They do look good on you!

Bianca said...

My mom also got lumineers (Las Vegas dentist installed them) in her 40's. It was during the time when she was having ballroom classes and she felt the need to have a great smile for her recital day. Unfortunately, I kind of inherited her discolored teeth, so I'm thinking of having Las Vegas veneers too. I'm gonna talk to my husband soon about this. I hope he'll welcome the idea.