Friday, February 20, 2009

My New Testament Class is FINISHED!

I took my  BYU New Testament Class final today. It took me 2 and 1/2 hours with 150 questions and 2 essays. I have a headache right now. However, there is such profound sense of relief  and accomplishment when a class is finished and that feels SO GOOD!

I have LOVED taking this class. I am SO GRATEFUL for what I have learned. This class has encouraged me to study Christ's teaching, parables, miracles, his Atonement, prophecies, etc., (and how it all affects me) in new and beautiful ways. I am in such GREAT AWE of our Savior!
I have pondered lately about how HE IS THE ULTIMATE HERO. 

I ordered 2 more classes (for a total of 5 credits) two days ago.  BYU is up to $141.00 a credit. OUCH! Education is EXPENSIVE and TIME CONSUMING, but so enlightening!

I will be taking a Human Geography Class (sounds interesting, huh?) and a Doctrine and Covenants class next.  I am excited to get started! I've only taken one class at a time in the past so this is a new adventure for me. 

I called up BYU, Department of General Studies and asked them if they "extend" the time allotted to get your degree. I have been at a snail's pace these last three years.  It's hard to juggle everything, plus those two Humanities classes were BEARS!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, they don't extend anything. You can reapply, but that's about it. I AM RECOMMITTED to my life as a college student. It is so much harder NOW than when I was at BYU, but I REALLY feel this is the direction I should go. I will be getting my emphasis in Family History and that's the area that I feel impressed to study, learn about and spend my time pursuing. 

I will need to figure out what and how to "sacrifice"  for this. It will be a hard journey for me.
I will need to re-prioritize. Nothing worthwhile is easy! 


Gordon & Julie Bird Blog said...

I am so impressed with your dedication to your education. Way to go and keep up the good work!


Thanks Julie! I am hoping I am up to the task. I have always had a goal to finish my degree, but it's daunting at times.

I appreciate your encouragement!